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Fractionation of Pb Metal in Marine Sediments as a Tool for Estimating Potential Bioavailability Values in Archipelagic Waters of North Maluku Province

Unkhair University


Determination of the geochemical fractionation of metals is also important to identify sources of metal pollutants in waters, whether they originate from natural processes or originate from human activities. The composition of the fraction in a resistant form indicates a source of metal pollutants originating from natural processes, while the non-resistant fraction components indicate a source of heavy metal pollutants originating from human activities (Teixeira et al. 2003 and Rodrigues & Formoso, 2006). The most important physical and chemical characteristics of sediments are the size of the sediment particles and the organic matter content (Rainbow, 2006). The research was carried out in the North Maluku Waters Region in March 2023 Analysis of concentrations of Pb, Cr and Hg metals in the bioavailable fraction of sediments was carried out at the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory and Fisheries Laboratory, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences. The results showed that the total value of Pb metal was 6.8518-16.5123, the F1 value = <0.0002 - 11.567. F2 value = <0.0002 - 7.6335, and F3 value = <0.0002-5.1766. Based on the quality standards set by CCME and ANZECC/ARMCANZ Guidelines it is still below the quality standards.

Keywords: Fractination, Biovaibility

Topic: Aquatic Pollution and Ecotoxicology

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