Mangrove Mapping and Carbon Stock Estimation at Taman Wisata Alam Mangrove, Angke Kapuk, North Jakarta, Indonesia
U Abdurrahman (1), I F Pratyaksa (1), A A Nur (1), M R Badriana (1), C K Jeon (1,2), I M Radjwane (1,3), H S Park (1,2)

(1) Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center, Cirebon, Indonesia
(2) Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Busan, Korea
(3) Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


Taman Wisata Alam Mangrove (TWAM) is a mangrove conservation area located in North Jakarta, Indonesia, whose existence is very important due to has various ecological benefits that ensure the sustainability of the coastal area. Recently, mangroves have also been reported to have significant carbon sequestration capabilities which leads also to an important role in mitigating climate change. This study aims to map mangrove cover as well as its biomass and carbon stock in TWAM. Mangrove mapping in TWAM was carried out using consumer-grade drones and satellite imagery. In addition, a high-accuracy positioning is carried out to improve and assess the accuracy of the resulting map. Then an allometric equation is used to estimate the aboveground biomass which can then be converted into carbon stock. The study results showed that the height of the mangrove canopy in TWAM was 8.77 4.05 m, while mangrove cover showed an increase over the last 10 years with a rate of about 2.9 ha year. The mangrove ecosystem at the study site has also been estimated to have aboveground biomass and carbon stock of 129.70 tons ha and 64.85 tons ha, respectively. The results of increasing mangrove cover and the potential of carbon stock show the importance of designated conservation areas in rehabilitating mangroves.

Keywords: Mangrove, biomass, carbon stock, drone, Google Earth

Topic: Marine and Fisheries Geographic Information System

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