Nursinah Amir, Aisjah Farhum, Safruddin, Mukti Zainuddin, Alfa Nelwan, Rachmat Hidayat, Suandar Baso, Yopi Novita

Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries Universitas Hasanuddin
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Hasanuddin
Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science IPB University


The pole and line vessel is one of the fishing vessels in the waters of Bone Bay which contributes more than 50% production of tuna in South Sulawesi, has a special shape with a flying deck and live bait hatches. Pole and line vessels in South Sulawesi generally do not have catch hatches. The catch is placed on the deck without proper handling, so that the quality of the caught fish quickly decreases and results in low fish prices. This study aims to determine the quality of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) caught using a pole and line redesign vessel. The research was conducted on pole and line vessel operating in Bone Bay, Luwu Regency. Determination of vessels and sampling of skipjack tuna using accidental sampling technique. The samples taken were fish placed on deck and fish in the redesigned pole and line vessel holds. Parameters tested were Total Plate Count, E. coli, water content, protein, fat, and pH. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form. The results showed that the quality of skipjack tuna stored in the redesigned pole and line vessel holds was better than that stored on deck

Keywords: Pole and Line Redesign Vessel, Skipjack Tuna, Quality

Topic: Marine and Fisheries Biotechnology

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