Development and characterization of bio-degradable Annona-based film inclusion with chitosan
Nur Shafinaz Abu Bakar (a), Kamariah Bakar (b), Nurul Ulfah Karim (a)

(a) Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries
(b) Institute of Marine Biotechnology


Biofilm is a biodegradable and sustainable packaging material. In contrast, synthetic packaging has raised serious environmental concerns by their non-biodegradability. The aim of this study is to develop a new natural-based biofilm made of Annona extract reinforced with chitosan. Annona-based biofilms were prepared using different concentrations of chitosan (0, 1, 2 and 4%). The effect from inclusion of different concentration of chitosan were evaluated using physical, mechanical, chemical and optical properties of the film. Thickness values for all biofilms showed significant difference (p<0.05) to each other. The film thickness was significant increase with increasing chitosan concentration due to compacity of film network. Biofilm without chitosan showed significant lower (p<0.05) moisture and elongation at break (EAB) compared to biofilm with 1% chitosan. Meanwhile, the opacity values of biofilm without chitosan showed significant lower (p<0.05) compared to biofilm with 4% chitosan. The films with higher chitosan were less transparent compared than the control due to the presence of more compounds in the film. Increasing chitosan concentration also resulted in lighter brown-yellowish color films as compared to deep brown control films. Overall, biofilm inclusion with Annona extract and chitosan has potential for natural biodegradable packaging material.

Keywords: Annona, Chitosan, Biofilm

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

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