1Muhammad Syahrir, 2Radjuddin Syamsuddin, 2Haryati Tandipayuk, 2Dody Dharmawan Trijuno

1Doctoral Program in Fisheries Science, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90245, Indonnesia/ Departemen of Aquacultur Bone Marine and Fisheries Polytecnic-2Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi 90245, Indonnesia-


Seaweed is the one of the prima donna commodities in the fishery sectore because it has a high economic price and a good export market share. Seaweed can be used for various raw materials in an effort to meet human needs, such as- food needs, medicines and cosmetics. The purpose of the study was to analyze the marked differences between 3 types of grass that have the potential to be cultivated against the use of intensive shrimp pond wastewateras a cultivation medium. The research is carried out on laboratory scale with the method of quantitative research approach with experimental types of research. The ingredients used in this study were 3 types of seaweed (K.alvarezii, G.verrucosa, and E.spinosum). Measured variables include- growth by calculating the absolute weight (final weight-initial weight), carrageenan, chlorophyll, and carotenoid contenst. The design carried out was a complete randomized design (RAL) with 3 repeats with 2 measurement times, namely, the initial measurement (T0) and the final measurement (T1). The data analysis method used is parametric statistical analysis with the Anova (Analysis of variance) method. The result of the analysis obtained that the maintenance (cultivation) of seaweed in water waste media trough intensive shrimp ponds can be used to increase seaweed growth, chlorophyll, and carotenoid content.

Keywords: Growth, carrageenan, chlorophyll, carotenoid, ANOVA

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

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