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Management of K-Means Clustering Algorithms To Manage Traffic Violation Area
Darul Prayogo

Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang


This research to study Traffic accidents make the death rate very high. As a step to minimize the rate of traffic accidents, a study of clustering is needed- clustering itself is the grouping of data into several clusters. The foundation for building a theoretical framework is the content of the clustering algorithm, group traffic, and violation area. Cluster results are influenced based on the initial central value of the given cluster. The K-means Clustering algorithm research results from 35 regions in Central Java resulted in 5 areas included areas that do not need to be given socialization. In contrast, 13 sites are included in the areas that need to be considered, and 17 other regions included in the area need to be socialized to provide knowledge to the public about the importance of orderly traffic. The implementation of K-Means Clustering can be a reasonably suitable medium to show areas with a level of public awareness of regulations in orderly traffic that is still minimal. It has a considerable risk of accidents. Based on the author^s experience when performing the final task, there are several suggestions for the development of the following system, namely: Add in-app features to show more accurate data- 2. The data used is still limited to monthly periods- in the future, it can still be developed for more specific data such as daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly- 3. The parameters used in this study still correspond to the event description data- it is recommended to consider data with more specific parameters. The K-Means Clustering method can group data based on similar data breach characteristics within a region- 2. The implementation of K-Means Clustering can be a reasonably suitable medium to show areas with a level of public awareness of regulations in orderly traffic that is still minimal. It has a considerable risk of accidents. Based on the author^s experience when performing the final task, there are several suggestions for the development of the following system. This research is expected to be used to manage the level of traffic violations in an area. This management is carried out to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and to give more attention to certain regions of traffic management

Keywords: Management, Accident, Traffic, K-means, Clustering

Topic: Information Industry and Management

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