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Abhasa-Madurese Language Learning Application for Beginners, Design and Build to Support The Preservation of Indonesian Regional Languages
Firdaus Solihin, Pyepit Rinekso Andriyanto, Mulaab, Fika Hastarita Rachman

Departement of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia


Madurese is one of the regional languages in Indonesia, which is in third place based on the number of speakers. Madurese has a unique pronunciation system, has additional special vocal characters, has three language levels and also several dialects. This condition makes the Madurese language learning process difficult, especially for beginners. Preserving the Madurese language has been carried out, including applying information technology. Several studies have used natural language processing (NLP), such as stemmer, text to speech and translator for Madurese with various methods and approaches. The actual implementation of some of this research is summarized in the development of this Abhasa application. The Abhasa application has features including learning to recognize letters, recognizing syllables, and recognizing words and their pronunciation. This application has a translation feature from Indonesian to Madurese and vice versa. This application has been tested for functionality on three age groups of users with an average score of 85% for user acceptance testing (UAT). With these results, this application is suitable for use in the Madurese language learning process for beginners and to support the preservation of the Madurese language.

Keywords: Madurese Language, Learning Application, user acceptance testing (UAT)

Topic: Information Technology and System

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