Software Evolution Analysis Based on Software Changelog
Rafli Azra Virendra Azhari*, Muhamad Khafidz Haikal, Muhamad Rizki Triyanto, Muhammad Naufal Pratama, Septian Luthfia Sanni, Aris Puji Widodo, Edy Suharto

Department Of Informatics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University
Jalan Prof. Jacob Rais, Tembalang Semarang - 50275, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia


Evolution is phenomena that are difficult to predict, including in the field of software. The evolution of software involves numerous factors and variables, such as technological advancements, the acceleration of computing power, and the need to adapt to users^ requirements in their respective eras. This can lead to exponential growth in the complexity of existing software. In order to help software developers in developing their software in conjunction with maintaining and evolving their software to become better software, this paper will analyze a software^s development and evolution to illustrate its evolutionary history. The software history evolution can be caught from the software^s changelog messages. The software evolution analysis is based on Chapin Model and Lehman^s law. The result from this paper can be utilized for further software development.

Keywords: Changelog, Evolution, Maintenance, Redis, Software.

Topic: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

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