Inter-Island Transportation of Local Beef Cattle Supply Chain from East Nusa Tenggara to Jakarta
Muhamad Baihaqi*, Edit Lesa Aditia, Rudy Priyanto, Komariah, Henny Nuraini, Bramada W Putra, Asnath M Fuah, Yuni C Endarwati, Verika A Mendrofa

Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University. Jl. Agatis Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor. Indonesia


Livestock transportation is part of the livestock production process which is a routine activity in the livestock supply chain pattern. Indonesia as an archipelagic country has the consequence of transporting livestock from producer to consumers across different islands. These characteristics effect on different transportation and supply chain patterns. This research was conducted to evaluate the pattern of the supply chain of local beef cattle transported from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to Jakarta. The research was carried out using a survey using questionnaire and observing 6 cattle suppliers in Kupang Regency, NTT and Jakarta area. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the most local beef cattle sent from NTT were bali cattle (Bos javanicus) with the main transportation destinations were Jakarta, West Java, Banten and Kalimantan Island. On average, cattle were transported using trucks and ships with a travel time of up to 7 days from NTT to Jakarta. The local cattle supply chain pattern on the island of NTT i.e., individual/group farmers to inter-regional traders and to inter-provincial traders. While the pattern of supply chain after the beef cattle arrived in DKI Jakarta, i.e., inter-provincial traders, middlemen/feedlot traders, slaughterhouses/butchers and final consumers (hotel, restaurant and institution (HRE), meat processors and household consumers). The length of the supply chain and the conditions for cattle transportation that were not yet ideal (truck and ship conditions, handling and stockman) resulted in a loss of cattle weight of up to 11.63%. It can be concluded that the local beef cattle supply chain pattern from NTT to Jakarta is still long in terms of business actors and the travel time result in high of body weight loss. Therefore, it is suggested that it need to create a standard operating procedure for inter-island transportation of local beef cattle that comply with animal welfare aspect in order to minimize losses.

Keywords: inter-island transportation- local beef cattle- supply chain

Topic: Animal Production

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