The use of plant explants to obtain embryogenic callus clams as an early stage in the selection of Napier Grass cv Taiwan
Ali Husni, Mia Kosmiatin, Harmini Harmini



The purpose of this study was to obtain 50-100 clams from a population of embryogenic callus from Taiwan elephant grass cultivars. The study was divided into three stages 1) sterilization, which was completed by immersing the material in 70% alcohol solution, 20% chlorox, and rinsing with sterile distilled water so that it was ready to be cultured in the treatment media- 2) callus induction with explants of young leaves in culture medium supplemented with growth regulator (PGR) 2,4-D at a concentration of 2 mg/l and enriched with amino acids and casein hydrolyzat. 3) callus proliferation and regeneration using culture-based media, namely full MS plus growth regulators (ZPT) enriched with 0.3 mg/l BA and 5-Methyl-tryptophan as well as amino acids and casein hydrolyzate, while regeneration into plants such as through adventitious shoot formation or somatic embryogenesis with a method of adding 0.5 g of callus to each bottle that already contains the treatment medium. The results showed that its success rate of explant sterilization was 10-78%, and the ability of tissue to form callus ranged from 60-80%, with the highest callus-forming ability obtained from culture explants with chemical and physical combination sterilization by burning, while at the proliferation stage it was obtained from 5 times per series on average. After the second week, the average callus weight was 1.72-1.76 g callus/bottle, enhancing to 1.92-2.07 g callus/bottle for a total of 150 bottles, with callus cells capable of regenerating into shoots through the use of organogenesis or embryogenesis reaching 78.1 - 85.3%. The initial selection method for fodder plants from explants to obtain callus was concluded to have potential to be further developed.

Keywords: selection, induction, proliferation, grass, callus

Topic: Grassland Science

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