Semen Quality of Bali Cattle diluted by four different diluents
A.L. Toleng1, Yusuf, M1, Sahiruddin, S1, Masturi1, Hasrin2, Musdalifah3, Arsan,J4 and Milawati1

1.Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar.
2.Department of animal production, Faculty of vocation, Hasanuddin University
3.Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadyah University, Rappang
4 Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Science and Technology, Islam State University, Makassar.


: Semen diluents are well known as an important factor in maintaining semen quality. This study was conducted to measure the semen quality of Bali bulls diluted by using four different diluents: andromed (commercial diluent), tris aminomethane egg yolk (Tris EY), tris aminomethane egg soybean milk (Tris SM) and Tris EY + Tris SM. Semen from one Bali bull were collected weekly for 4 weeks by artificial vagina. The fresh collected semen were analyzed for macroscopic and microscopic analysis. The semen were divided into 4 groups and diluted with the 4 diluents, respectively. The diluted semen were divided into 2 groups, liquid and frozen semen. Observation of liquid semen quality was carried out up to 144 hrs in a cold storage. The frozen semen were evaluated 1 week after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Motility, viability, abnormality, intact membrane (IM) and intact acrosome (IA) of the sperm were analyzed by Computerized Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). Mean different between groups for all parameters were analyzed by statistical analysis. Fresh semen motility, viability, Abnormality, IM and IA were 5.43+0.83 ml, 87.62+2.79 %, 1.33+0.38x109, 10.49+2.9 %, 85.65+0.67% and 79.98+5.69%, respectively. In the diluted fresh semen, sperm viability for the andromed diluted semen (87.0+2.1%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in compared to other three diluents. However, other parameters (Motility, abnormality, IM and IA) were not statistically different between the 4 semen diluents. In the frozen semen, semen motility tended (P<0.1) to be higher in andromed diluted semen (59.8+6.7%) in compared to those in other semen diluents. Viability and intact membrane were significantly (P<0.05) higher in andromed diluted semen in compared to those other 2 diluents. Semen diluted with the 4 semen diluents and storage in the cold storage could maintain motility, viability and IM more than 40% for 144 hrs and maintain IA for 96 hrs. Sperm abnormality less than 25 % could be maintained for 84 hrs for andromed diluted semen in the cold storage in compared to only 48 hrs for semen diluted with the other 3 diluents. It can be concluded that all the 4 semen diluents could be used for Bali semen dilution, however, Andromed was more better in increasing sperm motility for fresh liquid semen and sperm motility, viability and intact membrane for frozen semen. Moreover, the andromed diluted semen could maintain the low sperm abnormality longer during the cold storage.

Keywords: Bali bulls, semen diluents, semen motility, viability and abnormality

Topic: Animal Reproduction

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