Quality of Complete Ration for Beef Cattle Fermented with Garlic Addition (Allium sativum)
A.Y. Sudarmanto(1), A. Rifai(1), M. Syahrul(1), Tilawati(1), M.I. Rusli(2), S. Syahrir(1,3)

1)Feed Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry UNHAS
2)Student, Faculty of Animal Husbandry UNHAS
3)Correspondence Authors: Email: nanisyahrirn9[at]gmail.com


Garlic contains active compounds that can inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The addition of garlic is thought to maintain and even improve the quality of fermented beef cattle complete rations. This study aims to determine changes in temperature, physical quality and the level of damage to complete rations fermented and added garlic. Treatments consisted of P0: Complete ration without fermentation- P1 : Fermented complete ration- P2 : Fermented complete ration with addition of 1% garlic. The study used a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The results of the analysis of variance showed temperature, color, texture, aroma and fungal contamination of fermented complete ration had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the complete ration added with 1% garlic. The results of the T test on the level of complete ration fermentation damage showed that there was no significant difference between P1 and P2. The conclusion of this study is the addition of 1% garlic to increase temperature and physical qualities such as color, aroma, texture, level of damage and fungal contamination in fermentation of complete rations is not different from fermented rations without the addition of garlic.

Keywords: Garlic, Fermentation and Complete Ration

Topic: Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

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