Khaerani Kiramang, Asmuddin Natsir, Sri Purwanty, and Andi Mujnisa

University of Hasanuddin


Clove, a plant native to Indonesia, possesses the potential to act as an antibiotic. The presence of essential oils and phytochemicals in clove makes it a promising natural alternative for antibiotics in livestock, especially in poultry feed. The current study aims to investigate the impact of clove leaf powder supplementation as a replacement for growth hormone antibiotics on the productivity of broilers. The study^s outcome will provide valuable insights into the potential use of clove powder in poultry feed as an antibiotic substitute. The broilers were segregated into five treatment groups, and the clove leaf powder was administered for 30 days. The performance parameters, blood profiles, and internal organ profiles were used to measure productivity. The study employed an experimental approach using the General Linear Model Design with five treatments, repeated three times each. The data was analyzed through Manova, and the Wilks test was used for multiple comparisons to determine the differences in each treatment^s productivity. If there were any variations between treatments, the Tukey test was employed to identify the specific treatment that differed. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences in broiler response to the treatment between the measured parameters. Nonetheless, the broiler response remained within the standard range in all treatments. In light of the results, further research is necessary to explore the mechanism of action of clove leaf powder on broilers at various levels.
Keywords: Cloves, Broiler, rations, antibiotics, productivity.

Keywords: Keywords: Cloves, Broiler, rations, antibiotics, productivity.

Topic: Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

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