Role of Rumen Protected L-Arginine for Sheep Reproduction and Production (Literatur Review)
Muhammad Fadhlirrahman Latief, Osfar Sofjan, Jasmal Ahmari Syamsu, Suyadi

1 Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University
2 Center for Research and Development of Animal Science and Tropical Animal Resources (PUSLITBANG SENTRO) Hasanuddin University
3 Feed Technology and Industry Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Hasanuddin University


L-arginine is an important amino acid for growth, reproduction, and production in livestock. However, arginine is susceptible to degradation in the rumen, which affects the availability of arginine for the animals. databases using the keywords ^Arginine^, ^Condensed Tannin^, ^Rumen Protected^, ^Sheep^, and ^Seminal Plasma^. Therefore, protecting arginine in the rumen is crucial to improve the efficiency of arginine utilization and animal performance. Several studies have shown that feeding protected arginine can enhance lamb growth and sperm quality in rams. The improvement in lamb growth and sperm quality may be due to the positive effects of arginine on protein synthesis and nitric oxide synthesis. Furthermore, feeding protected arginine can also improve feed efficiency and reduce feed costs in sheep production. However, some studies have also shown that feeding protected arginine does not always improve animal performance, especially when there is already sufficient arginine available in the diet. In conclusion, protecting arginine in the rumen can improve the efficiency of arginine utilization and animal performance, especially in terms of lamb growth and sperm quality in rams. However, careful consideration of the dose and timing of feeding protected arginine is required to achieve optimal results.

Keywords: Arginine, Condensed Tannin, Rumen Protected, Sheep, Seminal Plasma

Topic: Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

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