Hatching Machine Temperature Pattern Against Hatching Ability,Weight and Time Sikumbang Janti Duck Eggs
Tertia Delia Nova, Linda Suhartati, Firda Arlina

1Depatyment Technology and Animal Production, Animal Science Padang, Universitas Andalas , 163125
2Depatyment Technology and Animal Production, Animal Science Payakumbuh, Universitas Andalas
3Departmen Tehnology and, Animal Science, Universitas Andalas


This study aims to determine differences in the pattern of setting the temperature of the incubator on egg shrinkage, hatching time, hatching weight, hatch-ability and mortality of Sikumbang Janti duck embryos. In this study using experimental methods with descriptive data analysis, calculating each percentage value of the 3 treatments. The pattern of the hatching machine temperature adjustment is P1 (37.50C (days 1-25) and 370C (days 26-28)), P2 the temperature is increased by 400C (days 22-24) for 3 hours per day, P3 the temperature is increased by 420C ( days 22-24) for 3 hours per day. The variables observed were egg shrinkage, hatching time, hatching weight, hatch ability and embryo mortality. The results of this study showed that the percentage of egg shrinkage was between 12.37-13.21%, hatching time was between 630.35-680.37 hours, hatching weight was between 41.94-45.20 grams, hatch ability was between 28.33-71. ,67%, third-phase mortality 15.00-40.00% and late-phase mortality 15.68-52.77%. The conclusion of this study is that the 40oC hatching machine temperature regulation pattern (days 22-24) during hatching is more effective and efficient in achieving optimal hatching.

Keywords: temperature, incubating machine, kumbang janti duck, weight, hatchability.

Topic: Animal Product Technology

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