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Drought estimation from Vegetation Phenology Analysis of Maize in Indonesia Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Muhammad Iqbal Habibie (a*), Nety Nurda (b)

a) National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, Indonesia
b) National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (LEMHANAS), Jakarta, Indonesia


Climate has affected basic crops on a global scale. Indonesia is a developing nation, facing a great challenge for the climate change. Therefore, the study was proposed to analyze the vegetation phenology to forecast drought during maize production at the Central East Java areas of Indonesia. The study uses the vegetation to calculate the NDWI and Temperature (LST), calculate drought severity based on precipitation data. NDWI and LST were obtained from Landsat 8 OLI with a spatial resolution of 30 m and were used to identify water shortage and temperature within the study area. The study was observed in 2018 and showed that the vegetation phenology was based on the growing season. The growing season of maize report from the NDVI trajectories that April 2018 was the maize planting season, and the harvest was completed in later August. Additionally, LST analysis found that the temperature was higher in mid and southern Central East Java, Indonesia. To validate the data, rainfall information was used to compute the drought severity using SPI method to identify drought-prone areas. Drought severity validation data were validated for vegetation phenology analysis in 2018.

Keywords: Vegetation Phenology indices- Drought- Maize- SPI- Precipitation- Satellite remote sensing

Topic: Agriculture adaptation to environmental changes

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