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Soil Carbon Storage in Forest and Agriculture Land Use in the Tanralili Watershed
Marselianti (a*), H Zubair (b), R Neswati (b)

a) Environmental Resource Management, Postgraduate School, Hasanuddin University
*) marselianti1503[at]gmail.com
b) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University


Soil is a long term carbon storage place in terrestrial ecosystem that plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Soil of organic carbon absorption is considered as one of the climate change mitigation strategies and is related to carbon storage in soil. The objectives of this study to identify soil carbon in forest and agriculture land use. This research was conducted in Tanralili Watershed. In this study, soil sampling was divided into three parts based on the depth, namely 0-20 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm with three repetitions using purposive sampling method. This research was carried out on seven types of land use (corn plantation, mixed gardens, pine forests, mixed forest, cloves plantation, horticulture, and coffee plantation). The physical and chemical properties of the soil observed in laboratory are Bulk density, Carbon organic soil, nitrogen, and C:N ratio. The result showed that the average soil carbon in the land use of corn plantation (UL1), corn plantation (UL2), Agroforestry (UL3), pine forests (UL4), mixed forest (UL5), cloves plantation (UL6), horticulture (UL7), and pine forest mixed coffee plantation (UL8) were 72 ton/ha, 70 ton/ha, 76 ton/ha, 80 ton/ha, 96 ton/ha, 77 ton/ha, 80 ton/ha, and 43 ton/ha, respectively. Soil carbon accumulation, based on content of decomposed soil organic, was mostly found in the top soil layer around 0-10 cm. Soil organic matter storage can be seen from the C:N ratio. High C:N content will reduce the ability to absorb soil carbon.

Keywords: agriculture, carbon, forest, soil

Topic: Agriculture adaptation to environmental changes

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