Effect of Drying and Storage of Corn Seeds (Zea mays l.) Against the Damage Level Muslimin Sepe (a*), Salamiah (a), Yusriadi Marsuni (a), Samharinto (a), Mariana (a), Muhammad Indar Pramudi (a), and Saipul Abbas (a)
(a) Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarbaru 70714, Indonesia
ABSTRACT. Besides wheat and rice, corn is one of the world^s most essential carbohydrate-producing food crops. At present, apart from being used as a staple food for most of the world^s population, corn seeds are also an essential component of animal feed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of drying and storage time on the presence of warehouse pest populations. The research method was carried out by drying corn kernels under sun exposure for 6 hours/per day. The experiment consisted of four treatments, namely drying time repeated three times. Observations consisted of weight loss of corn kernels, the population of warehouse pests, and the intensity of damage to corn kernels. The results of the observations were then analyzed by statistical tests followed by a real difference test. The results showed that the weight of corn kernels decreased with the length of the drying process. Drying for 18 hours was effective in suppressing the presence of warehouse pests such as S. zeamais (197.67) and T. castaneum (5). Drying time in addition to affecting the presence of warehouse pests, also significantly affects the intensity of the attack. Drying for 24 hours has a lower damage rate (14.44%) when compared to other drying times.
Keywords: drying- S. zeamais- T. castaneum- weight loss.