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Analysis of clone differences, fermentation and roasting processes on the quality of cocoa butter
Fitri Awaliyah(a*), Jumriah Langkong(a*), Adiansyah Syarifuddin(a*)

a) Food and Science Technology Program, Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.


Cocoa butter is an important component of cocoa. Cocoa butter is a triglyceride which is a compound of glycerol and three fatty acids. More than 70% of the glycerides consist of three monounsaturated compounds namely oleodipalmitate (POP), oleodistearin (SOS) and oleopalmitate stearin (POS). cocoa butter content was influenced by the type of clone and processing, namely fermentation and roasting, this study used two types of cocoa clones, namely MCC02 and clone Sulawesi-1, each clone was treated with fermentation, non-fermentation and roasting with different temperatures (135oC and 150oC). The results of the analysis showed that the differences between fermented and roasted clones had a significant effect on the quality of cocoa butter. The Sulawesi-1 cocoa clone which was treated with fermentation and roasting at a temperature of 135oC was the best treatment for organoleptic analysis (aroma, color, taste) with fermentation treatment and a roasting temperature of 135oC was preferred, free fatty acids were 1.04%, water content was 4.7% and iodine number was 28. g I2/100g.

Keywords: MCC02 clone, Sulawesi-1 clone, fermented, non fermented, roasting, cocoa butter.

Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification

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