The Influence Of Natural Resources And Infrastructure On Travel Intention To Tikus Island, Indonesia, Indonesia Ridha Rizki Novanda1, Hariz Eko Wibowo2, Muhammad Khaliqi3, Fika Harini Sinaga4, Dedy Darmansyah5, Achmad Amiruddin6, I.Rani Mellya Sari7
12Departement Of Socio-Economic Of Agriculture, Faculty Of Agriculture, Bengkulu university, Indonesia
3Agribusiness Department, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
4Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia
5Agribusiness Departement, Faculty Of Agriculture, Universitas of Teuku Umar
6Department of Agricultural Socio-economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
7Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Lampung University, Indonesia
Business opportunities in the field of marine tourism on Tikus Island are very potential. So it is important to analyze how the intention of visitors in traveling to Tikus Island is to describe business opportunities and business opportunity strategies. Intentions show how interested visitors are and how infrastructure and resource factors influence it. So that business opportunities can be analyzed from the factors forming the intensity of tourism on Tikus Island. The research was conducted in the city of Bengkulu, namely the coastal pier for the Tikus Island. The research location was chosen purposively because this location is a gathering place for visitors who will go to the Tikus island. The sampling method is based on accidental sampling. Respondents in this study were those who have visited or will visit Tikus Island. The number of research respondents was 100 people according to the standard analysis tool Model-Partial Least Square analysis (SEM-PLS). The sampling method is based on accidental sampling. Based on the results of data processing, it was found that infrastructure and natural resourcess has a significant effect on travel intention to Tikus island with the P Value of 0,002 & 0,000. Exploring small islands through marine tourism involves traveling to areas that are still natural and largely unpolluted or disturbed. The entire infrastructure must be prepared in the framework of tourism development. Infrastructure development needs to start right away. This is due to the fact that infrastructure is crucial to company continuity. The presence of complete facilities can affect visitor satisfaction.