Institutional Role in Cocoa Supply Chain and Cocoa Added Value in Bulukumba District Fira Apriliani Rakhman1, Musran Munizu1*, Mahyuddin2
1Hasanuddin University, agribusiness study program postgraduate school, 90245, Makassar, Indonesian
1Hasanuddin University, Faculty Of Economics And Business, 90245, Makassar, Indonesian
2Hasanuddin University, Department Of Socio-Economic Agriculture, 90245, Makassar, Indonesian
Supply chain institutions are management relationships or systematic working system and mutually supportive between several supply chain partnership of institutions. The aim of this study was to determine the role of institutions in the supply chain for cocoa commodities in Bulukumba Regency and to analyze the added value of each actor in the supply chain for cocoa commodities in Bulukumba Regency. The method of determining the sample was done by purposive sampling. Descriptive analysis and supply chain value added analysis were used as Institutional role data analysis using the hayami method. The results of the study showed that supply chain institutions had a role for the success of the cocoa supply chain. Analysis of added value of farmers was Rp. 29,029,000 with added value of the collecting traders was Rp. 1,900/kg, wholesalers added value of Rp. 1,900/kg and the added value of the cocoa processing home industry was Rp. 32,500/kg. Therefore, all the institutions involved had their important roles for the success of the cocoa supply chain. The roles were cultivating, providing assistance, processing, buying and selling. The added value of the cocoa processing home industry was high (>50%), while the added value of wholesalers and wholesalers is low (>50%).
Keywords: Supply Chain, Institutional, Value Added, Cocoa