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Effect of microbial species and amount of inoculum used in koji fermentation from fermented palm kernel meal of sauce making
Olivia Abira Rajagukguk, N.D.M. Romauli*, Nehemia Agusnanto Silalahi, Mellynia Friskilia Pasaribu, Gabriella Melani

Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Indonesian palm kernel oil industry have a fairly good development. Palm kernel meal is a side-product of palm kernel oil. Palm kernel meal contains 15,83% protein, 17,97% crude fiber, and some minerals. The use of palm kernel meal is generally used as animal feed, even though the nutritional content is quite good and has potential to be developed by process into food products. The fiber content also needs to be degraded so as not to inhibit digestibility, one of which is by fermentation technology. The high protein content can be used as a substrate for processing fermented food products, one of which is sauce. Palm kernel meal sauce-making fermentation begins with fermentation of palm kernel meal to optimize its content with the treatments were the microbial species Trichoderma viriide and Aspergillus niger with a ratio (1:0- 0:1- and 1:1) and the fermentation duration of 1, 3, 5 days. The best result is fermentation with Aspergillus niger for 3 days with protein content of 24,862, an increase from the early palm kernel meal protein, and fiber content of 10,466 which is decrease from the early palm kernel meal fiber. Koji fermentation from the best result with the treatments were the microbial species Aspergillus flavs, Aspergillus oryzae, dan Aspergillus tamari, and the inoculum amount of 5x102- 1x103- and 1,5x103 cfu/gram. The best result is fermentation with aspergillus tamari 1x103 cfu/gram with protein content of 21,424, fat content of 9,9, and reducing sugar content of 3,648.

Keywords: Palm Kernel Meal- Fermentation- Sauce

Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nauas Domu Marihot Romauli)

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