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Practical Rain Measurement
Subakho Aryo Saloko1, Olivia Elfatma1, Idum Satya Santi2, Arif Hidayat3, Muhammad Ridho3, Andre Kurniawan Siregar3, Rahmat Rofadil Rangkuti3

1 Prodi Pemeliharaan Kelapa Sawit, Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2 Prodi Agrotek, INSTIPER, Indonesia
3 Prodi Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit, Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Watering is a very important thing at the plant nursery stage. Without proper watering, the growth of the seedlings will be disrupted. In the process of watering must pay attention to several things, such as watering time and water discharge. At this time, most independent smallholders do not understand how to use a rain gauge or what is often called an ombrometer. These farmers prefer to use the old way of looking at the state of the soil in the watering process rather than using an ombrometer. In this case, as we know, buying an ombrometer is quite expensive. An ombrometer is a rain gauge which is also often referred to as a rain gauge. This tool is installed in an open place without protection or shade so that rainwater will be caught directly by this tool. The unit used is millimeters with an accuracy of reading up to 0.1 mm. Currently, practical rain gauges that are self-made without using factory machines are still not validated. The purpose of this research is to the results of simple ombrometer (C) accuracy and precision tests compared to Observatory Ombrometers, Ordinary Ombrometers, and Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). The location of the research test was in the oil palm nursery area at the Research and Experimental Garden of the Yogyakarta Community Plantation Academy. Rainfall data were obtained from Nine Practical Rain Gauges (C), Observatory-type Ombrometers (A), Ordinary Ombrometers (B), and Automatic Weather Station (AWS). Statistical methods are used to test accuracy and precision. The results of the C test compared to AWS have a precision value of 95.9% and an accuracy of 88.7%. Comparison of C with A shows a precision value of 99.6% and an accuracy value of 98.3%. The results of testing C against B show a precision value of 99.5% and an accuracy of 97.5%.

Keywords: Ombrometer, Validation Test, Flushing, Accuracy Test, Precision Test

Topic: Agriculture engineering

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