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Isothermic Model of Porang Tuber (Amorphopallus muelleri B) Flour
Fadila(a*), Junaedi Muhidong(b), Iqbal(c)

Hasanuddin University


Porang tuber (Amorphopallus muelleri B) is a tuber from the Araceae family which has a high glucomannan content (15-64% dry basis). Things that can be done to extend the shelf life of porang tuber flour are by doing the flouring process. The purpose of this research is the isothermic curve model of Porang tuber (Amorphopallus muelleri B) flour, namely, to determine the isothermic curve model used to estimate the equilibrium moisture content in relation to the RH of storage. The research method used was to store samples of porang tuber flour in a desiccator with an RH interval of 17-80%. Storage was carried out until the water content of the sample reached an equilibrium condition. Parameters of water content and determination of the best model based on the highest R2 value at the end of storage of porang tuber samples while in the desiccator. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it shows that the water content of a material is affected by temperature and storage RH. To determine the best model, it is shown with the model that has the highest R2 value. The Henderson model is the model that has the highest R2 value. The value obtained at 30 &#8451- is 0.9556 and at 40 &#8451- is 0.981. The model with the highest R2 value indicates that the model is the best and appropriate model that can be used to describe the best water absorption in porang tuber flour.

Keywords: Porang Tuber, Storage and Curve Model Isothermic.

Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification

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