Analysis of BPP Readiness in Realizing the KOSTRATANI Program Hertasning YATIM (a*), Nurbaya BUSTHANUL (b), Masyhur SYAFIUDDIN (c), Rasyidah BAKRI (b), Arikah ZAHRAH (b), Nabilah RAHMAWATI(b)
a. Department Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture, Untika Luwuk Banggai
b. Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
c. Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University
The Strategic Command for Agricultural Development (KOSTRATANI) at BPP is the center of the movement that will determine the success of agricultural development through coordination, synergy, and harmonization of agricultural development activities in the sub-districts. This study aims to analyze the readiness of BPP in realizing the KOSTRATANI program. The research method is quantitative descriptive using the validity and reliability test stages. Based on the results of the study, the P value <0.05 of each variable with a variable value of <0.05, indicating the validity of the instrument and the reliability test shows that each variable is said to be reliable (reliable) because the respondents^ answers to the questions are consistent or stable. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the readiness of the institution has a ready level, the readiness of human resources has a ready level, information readiness has a ready level, the readiness of information technology infrastructure has a ready level, and the readiness of the external environment has a ready level.