Rapid determination of water content in coffee bean using NIR Spectroscopy and MLR method Putri Chandra Ayu (a*), I Wayan Budiastra (b) and Adian Rindang (a)
a) Study Program of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
b) Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.
Water content of coffee bean is a crucial quality that will affect the whole quality of coffee. In coffee industries, the water content must be below 12.5%. Determination of water content is still using the chemical method such as gravimetry method that can not represent all of the products and need time to determine, so it is not suitable for industries. This study aimed to build a SMLR model to determine the NIR wavelength that can be used to determine water content of coffee beans in a form of green bean. This study used several Indonesia green bean coffee, a NIR wave of 1000-2500 nm, followed by determination of water content using gravimetry method. Result showed that by using several selected NIR wavelength, the water content of green bean coffee can be determined.
Keywords: water content, MLR method, NIRS, selected wavelength