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Erosion Rate Analysis Using the SWAT Method (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) in the Tanralili Sub-watershed
Tri Linda Sari (a*), Sumbangan Baja (a), Asmita Ahmad (a)

*) trilindaaa12[at]gmail.com
a) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricultural, Hasanuddin University


Background. The main problem of damage to land resources in watersheds is caused by erosion due to land conversion. Erosion occurs due to several factors, namely rainfall, topography, soil, vegetation, and human activity. Aims. Knowing the spatial distribution of the hydrologic response unit (HRU) and analyzing the level of erosion using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) in the Tanralili Sub-watershed, Tompobulu District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Method. The erosion rate was analyzed using the SWAT method with several stages: delineation of watershed boundaries, analysis of HRU (Hydrological Response Unit), merging climate data and HRU, running SWAT and calibration and validation, and soil texture with hydrometer method, C-organic analysis with Walkley and Black method, and calculations of soil permeability by the permeameter method. Results. The research area has an average annual rainfall of 2,867 mm/year. The dominant soil characteristics have clay texture, C-Organic 0.70-1.98%, and permeability 0.06-2.75 cm/hour. The number of HRUs formed is 44 units. The erosion rate was divided into five classes, namely very light 23.06% (6.450,47 ha), light 13.09% (3,661,73 ha), moderate 9.34% (2.611,78 ha), heavy 11.21% (3.137,39 ha), very heavy 43,31% (12.116,42 ha). Calibration and validation obtained values of R2 (coefficient of determination), and NSE (Nash Sutcliffe) are 0.629 (satisfactory) and 0.64 (satisfactory). Conclusion. The class of heavy-to-very heavy erosion reached 54.51% of the total area of the Tanralili sub-watershed. It shows that the Tanralili Sub-watershed area needs to immediately apply conservation techniques to sustain the use of the Sub-watershed.

Keywords: Erosion, HRU, Tanralili Sub-watershed, SWAT

Topic: Agriculture engineering

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