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Analysis of land suitability of clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.) in the humid tropics of South Sulawesi
W A Yusuf, R Neswati*, M Nathan

Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, 90245


South Sulawesi is one of the largest clove-producing regions in Indonesia. The highest production was obtained in the Luwu Regency area, but there needs to be data related to the wide distribution of clove development potential, especially in the Bua Ponrang District, the primary producer of clove commodities. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the suitability of clove plant land, which can show the area of its development potential in Bua Ponrang District, Luwu Regency. This study aims to analyze the suitability of land in the Bua Ponrang District for cloves, which can become a consideration for agricultural development in Luwu Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with simple limiting factors with soil suitability assessment performed by comparing soil and physical environmental data with the suitability requirements of clove. The sampling method was purposive, conducted for each land unit most representative of the land unit map where clove exists, overlaid with geological maps, slope class maps, and land use. The results of the analysis of the actual land suitability class, namely marginally suitable for clove (S3) to the boundary area of 6,227.18 hectares with limiting factors, namely air humidity, drainage, soil depth, total nitrogen (%), base saturation (%), available P (ppm) and slopes (%), which can be increased potential through improvement recommendations such as the addition of organic materials, fertilizers, and terracing (conservation). The land suitability class is unsuitable for clove in the 2,570.12-hectare interface with limiting factors for erosion and slope hazard.

Keywords: land suitability, clove, Bua Ponrang District, simple limiting factors

Topic: Agriculture adaptation to environmental changes

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