Level of Population Socio-Economic Vulnerability Jeneberang watershed in South Sulawesi Province 1*Post Doctoral, Study Program Agricultural Science, Abstract The Jeneberang Watershed (DAS) has an important role, especially for the people in Gowa Regency who directly utilize the Jeneberang Watershed. Landslides and floods occur almost every year in the Jeneberang watershed area, based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in 2004 there was a large landslide in the Jeneberang watershed which caused fatalities, while floods occur almost every year so it is important to know the social vulnerability and economy in the communities around the Jeneberang watershed. This study aims to identify the level of socio-economic vulnerability of the population in the Jeneberang watershed area, the government can determine the priority areas for handling disaster mitigation and formulate effective strategies to reduce this vulnerability. This research is located along the Jeneberang watershed which is located in eleven sub-districts in the Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The data used include primary and secondary data, primary data from questionnaires obtained from the community, community leaders and stakeholders and secondary data such as Landsat satellite imagery in 2020, socio-economic data from BPS, supporting data from relevant agencies or the Gowa Regency Office. The method used is to determine the parameters of social and economic vulnerability based on literature study and then weighting each parameter and then each parameter is analyzed using GIS (Geographic Information System) and MCDA (Multi Criteria Decision Analysis). Keywords: Socio-Economic Vulnerability, Watershed, MCDA, GIS Topic: Agriculture adaptation to environmental changes |
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