Identification of Chitinolytic Bacteria Isolated from Ipomea Pes Caprae Rhizosphere a) Plant Protection Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Abstract Chitin has substantial benefits in several sectors including agriculture. In the plant protection field, chitin can promote the growth of certain bacteria which has possibly controlled the spread of fungal pathogens. Thus, chitinolytic bacteria producing chitinase enzymes can inhibit the growth of fungi. The purpose of this study was to examine the morphological and physiological characteristics of chitinolytic bacteria which collected from Ipomea pes caprae in Makassar and its ability to produce chitinolytic enzymes on medial culture. The method started to grow the isolates on the nutrient agar which were added to colloidal chitin. Furthermore, the bacteria were identified by its color, form, elevation and edge as well as tested its physiological characteristics with KOH 3% test and catalase test. In addition, bacterial chitinolytic index was carried out by using the disc diffusion method. The results showed that each isolate had yellowish white and grayish white colors- morphological characters: round and irregular colony shapes, colony edges smooth and choppy as well as umbonature and convex elevations. The physiological test results indicate that all isolates had a positive response in the catalase test, one of the isolates reacted positively to the gram test and the others reacted negatively to the test. Each isolate had chitinolytic activity with indices of 0.10, 0.09, 0.70, and 0.11. Keywords: Chitinolitic bacteria, Rhizosphere, Enzym Chitinase Topic: Integrated pest and disease management |
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