Encouraging Promotion of Processed Sago Products in a Sustainable Way as a National Food Diversification Effort 1. Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Cultural Affairs Abstract After the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia faced extraordinary challenges in dealing with the food crisis. So far, Indonesia has relied on food supply on monoculture plant such as rice and corn. Indonesia also depends a lot on the supply of imported products such as wheat. To anticipate this problem, Indonesia needs to promote overall food diversification. One effort that can be done is to encourage the promotion of processed sago as an alternative for public consumption. As a plant native to Indonesia, the popularity and consumption of sago (Metroxilon sago) has declined drastically, even in eastern Indonesia which is famous for consuming this plant. Efforts are needed to reintroduce sago through processed products that are more in line with today^s people^s preferences. This research was conducted through literature studies and analysis of secondary data on national consumption patterns. The recommendation from this study is the need for efforts to promote sago consumption in an integrated and sustainable manner across stakeholders. Keywords: food crisis, food supply, diversification, sago, promote consumption Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification |
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