A Review of Data Mining Implementation on Agricultural Sustainability to Realize Food Security
A B R Indah (a*)

a) Industrial Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Gowa, Indonesia.


Agriculture is a very vital sector in Indonesia, because agriculture is very influential in providing the main food source in Indonesia. Agriculture greatly affects the condition of food security in every country. Countries that have a good agricultural system will create good food security in the country. Agricultural modernization is urgently needed for agriculture and ensuring food security. Sustainability in agriculture can be realized if a country is able to predict the amount of people^s food needs and guarantee the supply chain. Data mining is able to make predictions related to decision making in terms of food security for agriculture. Therefore, a literature study was conducted on the implementation of data mining science to realize it in the agricultural sector with the aim of maintaining food security and ensuring its supply chain in Indonesia. With data mining analysis, it can be taken that ensures the agricultural sector with maximum food security strength.

Keywords: Agricultural Sustainability- Food Security- Data Mining

Topic: Agriculture adaptation to environmental changes

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