Analysis of Changes in Vegetation Density with Sentinel-2A Image on Malino Sub-watershed
Muh. Wahyu Apriliandi(a*) , Daniel Useng(b), dan Suhardi(c)

(a*) Student of Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia.
(b) Lecturer in Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, 90245, Indonesia.


Changes in vegetation density, especially in sub-watershed areas, will continue to occur over time. This is due to the increasing number and human activities that have an impact on land use change. The Malino sub-watershed is one part
of the Jeneberang watershed, almost all of which is located in Tinggimoncong District. Monitoring of changes in vegetation density in the Malino Sub-watershed is carried out by utilizing remote sensing technology in the form of sentinel-2A imagery and using the NDVI type of vegetation index method. This
study aims to determine the distribution and changes in vegetation density in the Malino Sub-watershed in 2017, 2019, and 2021. From the results of the analysis conducted using the NDVI vegetation index, the distribution of vegetation density in the Malino Sub-watershed is divided into 4 classes, namely the non- vegetation, sparse vegetation, medium vegetation, and dense vegetation. Changes in vegetation density that occurred in the Malino sub-watershed from 2017 to 2019, the largest occurred in the dense vegetation density class of 2.21% or 192.69 ha, while the smallest occurred in the non-vegetation density class of 0.24% or 20. 97 ha. Meanwhile, the largest change in vegetation density in the Malino sub-watershed from 2019 to 2021 occurred in the dense vegetation density class of 11.64% or 1,016.60 ha, while the smallest occurred in the non-vegetation density class of 0.12% or 10.46 ha.

Keywords: Vegetation Density, NDVI, Sub-watershed Malino, Sentinel-2.

Topic: Agriculture engineering

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