Factors that affect the success rate of extension to improve the agricultural sustainability (case study in BPP Tanjung Beringin, Tanjung Beringin Subdistrict, Serdang Bedagai Regency)
W T Situmorang, T Supriana, Salmiah, L Haloho and T C Pane

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.


Agricultural extension has a vital role in improving the sustainability of farming businesses, developing the people^s economy, increasing agricultural production, and changing the behaviour of farmers and their environment. This research aims were to determine the implementation of the main tasks of agricultural extensionists, to know the success rate of the implementation of the main tasks of agricultural extensionists, and to analyse the relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of extensionists on the success rate in doing their tasks. The research area was determined purposively. The method to determine the research sample in this study used census methods, with 11 extensionists. The analysis method used was the Spearman Rank Correlation Test. The results showed that: The implementation of the main tasks of field agricultural extensionists went well, following the main tasks determined- The success rate of the execution of the main tasks of agricultural extensionists was 86.5%, or in high-performance criteria- There was a significant relationship between the duration of education, the duration of being an extensionist, and the duration of extensionists working time with the success rate of their tasks, meanwhile the age and number of family dependents had an insignificant relationship.

Keywords: success of extension

Topic: Food agribusiness and rural development

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