Grain Color Measurement and Nutrient Content of Traditional Pigmented Rice a) Research Center for Food Technology and Processing, National Research and Innovation Agency, Gunungkidul-Playen, Yogyakarta Indonesia Abstract This study aims to measure the color and nutrient contents of several local varieties of red and black rice from South Sulawesi. Measured parameters included L*, a*, b*, protein, fat, Zn and Fe. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA, followed with Duncan Multiple Range Test 5%. The results showed that the Le^leng variety showed the the lowest value of L*, a*, and b* which means that it has the darkest color. Highest protein content found in Le^leng and Kobo. The protein content of tested traditional pigmented rice are higher than modern variety (Inpari 24), but tend to be equivalent with modern variety in terms of fat content. Considerable amount of Zn and Fe were also noted from selected traditional pigmented rice. Color appearance can be a preliminary visual indicator of pigmented rice for their bioavailability of compound with health benefits. Keywords: grain color, colorimeter, nutrient, pigmented rice Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification |
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