Growth Test of Trichoderma asperellum TR3 and Trichoderma sp. on Various Carrier Media
Ratnawati, Jumardin, Kasman Jaya*, Sri Sudewi, Arfan, Moh. Zainal

Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Alkhairaat Palu, 94221 Central Sulawesi, Indonesia


Trichoderma sp. is the most common fungus found in soil, especially soil with a high organic matter content. This fungus can be useful as a growth trigger and also has the potential as a biological agent in controlling plant diseases. Mutual relationship between Trichoderma sp. and plants are mutualism, plants benefit in terms of growth and disease control, while Trichoderma sp. benefit from getting nutrients produced by plants. The aim of this study was to determine the ability to grow Trichoderma asperellum TR3 and Trichoderma sp. grown in various carrier media in the form of pellets in vitro. The research was carried out at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, UNISA Palu using a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments, namely T1 = Bran (DDK), T2 = Tofu Dregs (AP), T3 = Tapioca Flour (TPP) and T4 = Talc Powder + Tofu Dregs (TPD) +AP). The results showed that the T4 (TPD+AP) and T1 (DDK) treatments had good ability to be used as carrier media in the form of pellets on the fungi Trichoderma asperellum TR3 and Trichoderma sp.

Keywords: Trichoderma sp, Biological Agents, Formulations, Pellets

Topic: Integrated pest and disease management

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