Seasonal Diversity and Distribution of Decomposing Macrofungi in Three Forest Communities: Why do they differ? a) Department of Agricultural Sciences, Postgraduate School, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. *Email: putraps19p[at] Abstract This study aimed to reveal the inter-seasonal diversity of macrofungal species in three forest communities in South Sulawesi: Karst forest, Lowland forest, and Pine forest. Field surveys were carried out twice (i.e. in the wet and dry seasons) in 25 units plots measuring 10 m x 10 m which were systematically spread in an area of approximately 1 ha in each forest community. The macrofungi found in each plot were recorded by the species name, photo, and the area of cover that measured using Crown Diameter Method to analyse the area of cover. In total there were found 130 species of macrofungi from 38 families across forest communities both in wet and dry seasons. The highest number of macrofungi species was found in the Lowland forest (67 species), followed by Karst forest (65 species), and the lowest was in Pine forest (42 species). Some species are specialists in specific forest communities. Given that most species of macrofungi are monophagous that specialist to an only litter of one tree species, the difference in the diversity of macrofungi among forest communities is likely related to the difference in tree species diversity among forest communities. In addition, microhabitat conditions were found in line with the diversity of macrofungal species inter-seasons and inter-forests. Keywords: Cover area, Diversity, Karst forest, Lowland forest, Pine forest Topic: Biodiversity, soil health and agricultural practices |
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