Antibacterial Inhibitory Test Of Tomi-Tomi Fruith (Flacourtia inermis) Extract Ethanol Against Pathogenic Bacteria In Improving Food Safety
1Sandriana Juliana Nendissa, 2Meta Mahendradatta, 2Zainal, 2Februadi Bastian

1Doctoral Program of Agriculture Science Graduate School Hasanuddin University. Makassar
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2 Departement of Food Science And Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University


The tomi-tomi fruit (Flacourtia inermis) is a rare and rare plant. This fruit has benefits and uses as a flavoring spice and also traditional medicine used by the community, besides that it also contains tannins and flavanoid compounds that can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in food. To support the use of tomi-tomi fruit (Flacourtia inermis) and increase its application in supporting food safety, the purpose of this study is to test and see the antibacterial inhibitory power of tomi-tomi fruit extract against pathogenic bacteria, namely Gram-Negative bacteria (Salmonella typhimurium) and Gram-Positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aereus and Bacillus cereus). This study is an experimental study using the Disc Diffusion method to determine the inhibitory power of bacterial growth using ethanol solvents with concentrations of 25%, 50% and 75%. The results showed that of the three concentrations of tomi-tomi fruit extract tested against pathogenic bacteria, it turned out that the ethanol extract concentration of tomi-tomi 75% had a very strong inhibitory power category in Staphylococcus aereus bacteria of 27.5 mm, Salmonella Thypimurium of 33.6 mm and Bacillus cereus of 34.0 mm. Thus, tomi-tomi fruit ethanol extract has an inhibitory power that can be used as a decontamination of 3 types of bacteria, especially in Bacillus cereus bacteria which have a very strong inhibitory power, so as to maintain quality and improve food safety, especially in foodstuffs made from flour, cereals, spices, fish and meat that are often contaminated.

Keywords: Tomi-Tomi Fruit (Flacourtia inermis), Antibacterial, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aereus, Bacillus cereus

Topic: Food processing, safety and diversification

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