Gamma Iradiation Effect on Growth and Development of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) Buru Merah and Polman Kuning Accession
Rizky Priambodo, Reni Indrayanti, Adisyahputra, Ivana Bertha Sabella

Biology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv is a cereal plant originating from China and has been cultivating in several parts of Asia. The use of foxtail millet in Indonesia is not optimal due to its small seed size and low yields. One way to overcome this problem is by increasing the genetic potential of seed quality commodities through mutation induction. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of gamma irradiation on the phenotypic characters of Polman Kuning and Buru Merah and the optimum dose to increase the genetic diversity of Polman Kuning and Buru Merah accessions. This research was conducted at the Greenhouse, Jakarta State University Biology Study Program and took place from September to December 2020. The method used was an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, namely the gamma irradiation dose (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 Gy) and two accessions of foxtail millet (Polman Kuning and Buru Merah). The results showed that irradiation (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 Gy) caused 50% plant mortality at a dose of 99 Gy on Buru Merah and 127 Gy on Polman Kuning. Buru Merah accessions treated with irradiation at a dose of 50 Gy were more effective in inducing plant height, leaf length, leaf width, leaf number, and stomata density. Polman Kuning accession treated with irradiation at a dose of 25 Gy was more effective in inducing plant height, leaf length, leaf width, the number of leaves, and stomata density. Irradiation treatment of Buru Merah and Polman Kuning plants did not show any difference in their phenotypic characters. The application of gamma-ray irradiation to optimize the seed weight of Buru Merah accession was the treatment dose of 50 Gy, while to optimize the seed weight of Polman Kuning was the treatment dose of 25 Gy.

Keywords: foxtail millet, induced mutation, gamma irradiation

Topic: Biology

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