The Critical Thinking Skill of High School Students on The Topics of Virus and Bacteria
Yenny Anwar1, Adeng Slamet2, Niara Gustini3

Universitas Sriwijaya


This study aims to determine the critical thinking skills of students on viruses and bacteria in high school, Muara Enim sub-district. This is a descriptive study with a survey method. The sample was determined using a cluster sampling technique followed by a stratified random sampling technique to determine the number of samples for each school. This research was conducted at four high school in Muara Enim District. The results showed that the critical thinking skills of were mostly categorized as very low. This can be seen from the percentage values, namely the high category of 2.46% of students, medium category of 4.93% of students, low category of 27.59 students, and very low 65.02% of students. The highest critical thinking ability indicator is the assumption of 51.48%, while the lowest is in interpretation and drawing conclusions with a percentage of 24.96%. The achievement of test results that are categorized as very low is evident in the questionnaire statement item responses to students^ perceptions of critical thinking skills in the statement of ability to solve questions where only 32.51% of students do not experience difficulties in answering questions.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Viruses and Bacteria.

Topic: Biology Education

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