Analysis of Gastropods Abundance and The Relationship with Mangrove Density in Pulau Rambut Wildlife Reserve
Ade Suryanda1, a), Eka Putri Azrai1, b), Avarha Mahaputri1, c), Agung Satiya1), Annisa Fitriani1), Cynthia Loka1), Khafifah Nurhasanah1), Warsa Jaya2)

1) Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
a) asuryanda[at], b) ekaputri[at], c) avarhamahaputri[at]

2) Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


The mangrove forest ecosystem has a significant contribution to the biota that live in the surrounding waters as a food source, one of which is the gastropod class. The purpose of this study is to determine mangrove density, gastropod abundance, and the correlation between mangrove density and gastropod abundance. This research was conducted in March to June 2022 in the Pulau Rambut Wildlife Reserve. The method used in this research is a survey method in the field by drawing a line 50 meters long, then dividing the line into 3 plots, measuring 10 x 10 meters with a distance between plots of 10 meters. In order to determine the sampling point to take gastropods is by using purposive sampling technique. The data is categorized based on the variables. Mangrove density as the variable X, and the abundance of gastropods as the variable Y. The results showed that the mangrove density in the North, East, and Southwest of the Pulau Rambut Wildlife Reserve was included in the very good category with a value of 33,400 ind/ha. The highest abundance of gastropods was dominated by the species Aclis sp. with a total of 4,089 individuals and the lowest was Monodonta sp. totaling 6 individuals. Mangrove substrate and organic matter content in the area determine the abundance of gastropods. The correlation between mangrove density and gastropod abundance was calculated using simple linear regression analysis with correlation coefficient of 0.148, while the value of a determination coefficient was 0.022 which means it is positively correlated.

Keywords: Correlation- gastropods abundance- mangroves density- Pulau Rambut Wildlife Reserve.

Topic: Biology Education

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