Development of Digital Comic based on Biology Literacy as Learning Media in the Topic of Immune System
Yulilina Retno D., Nurmasari Sartono, Halimah Syifa F.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13320, Indonesia


The development of technology in 21st century demands students to own specific skills, one of which is biology literacy. Unfortunately, students scientific literacy rate in Indonesia is still categorized as low. One of the ways to increase biology literacy is to utilize appropriate learning media for the learning process. Based on the explanation before, the aim of this study is to develop digital comic based on biology literacy as learning media on the topic of immune system. The development model used in this research is Borg & Gall model which modified into seven steps. The product went through validity test on media, concept and languange aspects by two validator on each aspect. Validity test resulted as the following- 93,88% on media aspect, 90% on concept aspect, and 93% on languange aspect, which indicates digital comic based on biology literacy is valid to be tested on a larger scale. Small group trial test then conducted on 11th grade students of SMAN 4 Bekasi. Test results showed overall score of 90%, which indicates that digital comic based on biology literacy can be used as a valid learning media in the topic of immune systems.

Keywords: Development research, Learning media, Digital Comic, Biology Literacy

Topic: Biology Education

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