Integrated Visible Thinking Routine Through STEAM and Empathy Projects
Erna Maryati M.Pd, Istianah, S.Pd, Elsa Anggiya Nurinsani S.Pd



This paper is based on the results of first and second year of two-year study in integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) and empathy in social and natural science learning. The research focused on integrating visible thinking routine through STEAM and Empathy projects in Junior High School students of Nurul Fikri Boarding School Bogor. The visible thinking routine are steps that make complex thinking processes accessible to students through the use of Visual Thinking. The study was conducted in various contextual topics of social and natural science. A qualitative methodology was applied to explore the students^ learning experiences and understanding the research context. Data was collected through observation, interview, and reflective journal. The STEAM approach was integrated through modification of project-based learning model. The students had opportunities to develop their own projects by integrating material content and STEAM and empathy principles to their project. The results showed that students have developed their higher order thinking skills namely critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and argumentation. They also learnt to develop skills of information, literacy and the self-direction.

Keywords: Visible thinking routine, STEAM, Empathy, skills, literacy

Topic: Biology Education

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