Analysis of the Qanda Mathpresso Question Queuing System Model Using^s Max-Plus Interval Algebra
Ardhan Arbyantono ^1)*, Siswanto ^2)

Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia.
^1) Corresponding author: ardhanchocho[at]
^2) Electronic mail: sis.mipa[at]


The problem of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is an important component associated with a square matrix. In max-plus algebra, a square matrix can be expressed in the form of a graph called a communication graph. Qanda mathpresso is a global education platform that provides data and connects education with equal educational opportunity. In this study, we discuss the analysis of the qanda mathpresso question queuing system model using max-plus interval algebra. This research is based on the expansion of the concept of max-plus algebra into interval max-plus algebra. The discussion includes how to determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the max-plus interval algebra of a matrix in general, how to build a matrix based on field study data, how to apply the eigenvalue and eigenvector problems for interval max-plus algebra in the Qanda mathpresso question queue system. . At the end, it is explained about the periodic analysis of questions that appear in the Qanda Mathpresso application. From this analysis, it is hoped that it will make it easier for questioners who are queuing to know when it is time to get answers to the questions asked and can provide time efficiency.

Keywords: Communication Graph, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Qanda Mathpresso.

Topic: Mathematics

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