Sign Vocabulary to Support Biology Education for Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Students
Dra. Yulilina Retno Dewahari, M.Biomed, Dr. Mieke Miarsyah, M.Si, Denada Kinanti Mahapranawati (*)

Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Jakarta State University, Jl. R.Mangun Muka Raya No.11, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220
* denadakinanti[at]


One of the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) target is Quality Education which emphasize in quality education as well as ensure fair and inclusive education. The COVID-19 pandemic hinders the achievement of SDGs targets. One of the most vulnerable groups to be affected by the pandemic is deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) people, who had difficulty communicating since online learning was applied. The purpose of this study was to develop sign vocabulary to support Biology education for deaf and HoH students. This research and development (R&D) study used ADDIE Model. There are 5 steps in ADDIE Model, which includes Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The final product of this study is a demonstration video containing sign vocabulary to support Biology education. This study was conducted from March to July 2022. The developed sign vocabulary^s eligibility was tested by media and material experts. The test resulted in 78% percentage of media eligibility and 79% percentage of material eligibility, both aspects interpretated that the vocabulary is eligible to be used. Further test was conducted on Science teacher and grade X students of SMALB Negeri 1 Jakarta. The overall percentage score of the developed sign vocabulary for deaf and HoH students was 78.5%. Based on the results from the media and material eligibility test as well as from the respondent testimonies, it can be concluded that the developed sign vocabulary is valid and eligible to be used in biology learning process for deaf and HoH students.

Keywords: Sign Vocabulary- deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH)- Research and Development- Biology Education

Topic: Biology Education

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