Synthesis of Chalcone Derivatives from Vanillin and Acetophenone
Nabila Seflini, Hanhan Dianhar

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


A series of chalcones from vanillin and acetophenone were synthesized by the Claisen-Schmidt reaction using a microwave with a KOH base catalyst. The mixture was irradiated by microwave at 180 watts for 5 minutes. After the reaction was complete, the mixture was added with cold distilled water and HCl, then left for 24 hours in the refrigerator after which it was recrystallized. Pure chalcone was obtained with a yield of 97.64 percent and a melting point of 84 degrees Celcius. The synthesized chalcones were characterized by UV, NMR, and MS Spectrophotometry.

Keywords: Chalcone- Vanillin- Acetophenone- Claisen-Schmidt- Microwave

Topic: Chemistry

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