The Influence of Geogrid Use on Base Course Thickness in Clay Soil
Raihan Adithya

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Trisakti University, Jakarta


The condition of the subgrade is very important because it greatly affects the strength of the road. In field conditions, soil conditions vary widely, not all soils are in good condition, for example clay soil. Clay soil is considered a limitation in road construction because of its low bearing capacity. To avoid these things, soil stabilization is needed. The soil stabilization method used is mechanical stabilization using a geogrid. This study analyzes the base layer requirements needed by comparing several cases, namely without reinforcement, geogrid reinforcement BX1200, and BX1500. The analysis of this research was carried out using the Giroud and Han method. The results of the analysis show that the soil reinforced with geogrids BX1200 and BX1500 will increase the bearing capacity by 21% on undisturbed soil, and on remoulded soil by 31%, and reduce the required base course layer thickness each by 54% and 69% on undisturbed soil and on remoulded soil each by 63%, and 78%.

Keywords: Subgrade- geogrid- bearing capacity- base course

Topic: Penerapan Konsep Desain pada Rancangan Lingkungan Terbangun

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