The Data Supply of Anguilla spp. Population in East Kalimantan
R. Andry I. Sukmoputro1, Andrian Saputra1, Ratih Tribuwana D.1 , Hetty Priyanti E.1, M.A. Riandyka1, Kaisar P. Hasudungan1, Despriyanto Supriadi1

1 Regional Office for Marine and Coastal Resources Management of Pontianak (BPSPL Pontianak), Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia


BPSPL Pontianak has been conducted survey to collect the population data of Anguilla spp., in East Kalimantan aims to enrich both eel^s data and information in Indonesian waters, particularly an endemic eels of Borneo island, Anguilla borneensis, refers to enactment Ministerial Decree of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of The Republic of Indonesia Number 80/KEPMEN-KP/2020 On Eels (Anguilla spp.) Limited Protection. The survey was conducted from January to September 2021 on Mahakam river, Kutai Kartanegara as known as eels habitat. The data collected using census method by assigning enumerators. Identification of mature eels using morphological characters as ano-dorsal length, the maxillary bands of teeth, color marking, also based on morphometric data (AD%) and convinced with DNA analysis. Yellow and silver eel were caught throughout the year from the estuary, Muara Handil to the upper reaches of the Mahakam river, Kota Bangun-Muara Kaman, had three species i.e., Anguilla marmorata, Anguilla borneensis and Anguilla bicolor not specified in the subspecies, with DNA test results > 97% in each species. Whereas glass eels were caught only on Loa Janan, Harapan Baru, Loa Kulu Seberang, Banua Puhun-Muara Kaman at the date 16th to 22nd Dzulhijah of 1443 Hijriah in the Islamic calendar, glass eel lenght 50-70 mm and weight 0.15-0,18gram, the DNA result showed as Anguilla borneensis with similarity index 98.31%. Total catch of glass eel in July 2021 is 88.7kg with the average catches per day is 17.74kg, the Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) value using a hand scoop or tanggok is 0.100 kg per fishing effort with an average of 0.020 kg per fishing effort. Based on cumulative catch and catch per effort can obtained Anguilla borneensis population presumption as much 452.5kg.

Keywords: eels, endemic, East Kalimantan, population, A.borneensis.

Topic: Aquatic Biodiversity (International)

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