Animated Learning Video Development Design Based on Local Culture in Listening Learning to BIPA 1 Students at Sofia University
Syukron Ramadloni (a*), Miftahulkhairah Anwar (b), Ifan Iskandar (c), Liliana Muliastuti (d)

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220


At the stage of developing animated video teaching materials based on local culture in listening learning, it is necessary to make an initial design. Changes in learning meetings from face-to-face to virtual face-to-face require BIPA teachers to be creative in processing teaching materials that suit their needs. Listening material local culture for BIPA students is needed by BIPA teachers at Sofia University, but the amount in video sharing browsers is considered very minimal. Teachers have inconvenient getting listening materials containing local culture, so it is necessary to develop these teaching materials. This article is still limited to a literature review, so this design still needs to be implemented in learning activities. This research involved a BIPA teacher at Sofia University. The purpose of this study is to find out the right design for developing animated video teaching materials based on local culture for listening skills. The research method used is qualitative research and data collection techniques through interviews and literature study. The results of the design include the principles of BIPA learning, listening learning, teaching materials, and local culture. The development of teaching videos also applies the metacognitive listening strategy proposed by Goh.

Keywords: BIPA- animated videos- listening teaching materials- listening skills- local culture

Topic: Language Education

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