National Assessment Of Literacy for Hearing Impaired Children in Special Needs Education in Indonesia
Sri Wuryanti1, Deni Hadiana2, dan Malika Fawwaz Alifi Yasmin3

1Ministry of Education Culture Research, and Higher Education, Jakarta- 2 National Research and Innovation Agency(BRIN), Jakarta- and3 State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


The National Assessment Policy implemented by the Ministry of Education, culture, research and Higher Education in Indonesia is currently given to students at schools for all levels, including the school level for students with special needs, and special groups for the Hearing Impaired. This National Assessment consists of the AKM instrument (minimum competency assessment), character instrument, and learning environment instrument.
The objectives of this study are (1) to produce a prototype of a question assessment instrument for deaf students in the form of literacy and numeracy learning progress to sample question instruments, and (2) in the form of a questionnaire to observe student readiness, the number of students with one disorder or double handicap, and school readiness, especially principals and teachers in preparing students.
The research method used is the mixed method in which to compile research results with data and simple diagrams using the Ms excel program. As for the validation and analysis of the results of the instrument questions and questionnaires based on expert justification. The sample was taken using the purposive sampling method.
The conclusion from this research is (1) a prototype has been developed in the form of learning progress and an example instrument for reading literacy and numeracy questions with a total of 30 reading literacy questions and 30 numeration questions that are ready to be used for examples of national-scale AKM questions preparation, (2) based on The results of the questionnaire were that the deaf students in special schools were deaf 63% single impaired and 37% double handicapped, 90% answered that a national assessment was needed because it was useful, deaf students were also able to use computer mode in literacy assessment with a total of 95%, the school also fully supports the implementation of the assessment national 98% answers.

Keywords: Education, National Assessment, reading literacy, Deaf, Special needs education

Topic: Special Education

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